XENOTRONE (Technical Thrash Metal – Ukraine 🇺🇦) – Their new album “Into the Void” is out NOW via Archivist Records #Xenotrone #thrashmetal #heavymetal
Band: Xenotrone
Album: Into the Void
Country: Ukraine
Genre: Thrash Metal
Label: Archivist Records
Release date: February 21, 2025
Archivist Records has released Ukrainian progressive thrash metal band Xenotrone‘s debut full-length album, Into the Void.
From the first to the last track, the album keeps the listener immersed in an atmosphere of cosmic horror, reminding us that within the vastness of space, humanity is but dust.
Throughout the album, well-thought-out and intriguing musical moves make the band’s debut a truly unique release of early 2025!
The album track listing:
1. Into the Void (instrumental)
2. Evolution of Soul
3. Tower of madness
4. Elysium
5. I Have no mouth and i must scream
6. Conatus Ad Deliciendum
7. Luminous Fast Blue Optical Transient (feat. Orphun)
8. Stone cross (feat. Kelly Shaefer)
9. Territorial Pissings (Nirvana cover)
10. Boötes Void
Xenotrone is a band from Dnipro, Ukraine, founded in 2021 by guitarist-vocalist Kostyantyn Roskosenko and Danylo “Soulreaper.” Over the years, many musicians have been part of the band.
The band released its first demo in 2022, which was warmly received by the underground community, although there was still room for improvement.
After releasing the demo, the band went on hiatus for a year. However, in 2023, they reunited with a new lineup and recorded the Queen of the Night EP, which takes listeners back to the ’80s, evoking the sounds of bands like Watchtower and Mekong Delta. The release, available on CDs and cassettes, was warmly received by the audience and gained its own fan base.
Xenotrone is part of the new wave of thrash metal in Ukraine, standing out significantly among other bands in the genre.
For more info:
https://sites.google.com/view/ xenotronethrash
https://www.instagram.com/ xenotrone_thrash
https://open.spotify.com/ artist/11KKTzeDAhsXLj0Bz3qtYF
https://www.facebook.com/ archivistrex/
https://www.facebook.com/ grandsounds
https://twitter.com/ GrandSounds
https://www.youtube.com/ channel/ UClL5MD6jRYD7BtX1UPLcHog
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