NUCLEAR – new album “Murder of Crows” is out NOW via Black Lodge Records #nuclear
Obliterating all boundaries, Nuclear’s new album ingrains the vicious cutting-edge guitars of thrash and the sonic brutality inherent to the death metal’s golden years. With unyielding tones feeding a display of unhinged savagery, “Murder Of Crows” is set to become one of thrash’s uttermost deliveries of 2020.
Check their second single off “Murder Of Crows”.
The song – entirely written in Spanish – talks about the reasons behind the Chilean social outburst and how excessive and inhuman was the response from the Chilean Government.
The new track “Abusados” is being accompanied by a very graphic video.
Unseen footage of the street manifestations, police brutality and violation of human rights.

Matias (singer) states: “The video ‘Abusados’ is an effort to document from first source and using unseen footage, the situation experienced by millions of Chileans. The exact moment in which the citizens said enough to the abuse, the indolence and the repression of the Chilean authorities”.
“Murder Of Crows” will be released via Black Lodge Records / Sound Pollution
You can order it here:
Hear “Facing Towards You” HERE:

01. Pitchblack (Intro)
02. Murder Of Crows
03. No Light After All
04. When Water Thickens Blood
05. Friendly Sociopath
06. Abusados
07. Misery Inc.
08. Facing Towards You
09. Hatetrend
10. Blood To Spare
11. Useless To Mankind

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