METHEDRAS (Death/Thrash Metal – Italy 🇮🇹 ) – Interview for KickAss Forever via Angels Pr Music Promotion #METHEDRAS #deathmetal #thrashmetal #heavymetal
Special thanks to Angels Pr Music Promotion & Marian Nicolaou for providing this interview for KAF to post!!!!
1. Methedras is a band from Italy that has a long history in the extreme Metal sound, would you like to introduce yourself and the band for the visitors of our web zine?
Hello and thank you for the opportunity! As you said, the band has a long history, 28 years old of music, we play a modern Thrash / Death metal and during the years we always worked hard to grow it more and more with new ingredients to make it more unique.
2. Which bands have influenced the sound and the songwriting of the band?
Let’s say Testament and Machine Head referring to the Thrash, and generally the Swedish death metal bands like In Flames, Soilwork and so on, then there are a lot of different influences (metal or not) that so often find spots in our music.
3. You like as a band to experiment, that’s why all your albums are different from each other, are you going to continue experimenting with the next album? Have you found the “recipe” that fits your sound?
I’m happy that you noticed it! We like a lot to experiment, to think about some notes and then try something different like – hey, this synth could fit a lot this song! The recipe is all the time different a bit, but the main ingredients are the same in every album.
4. The title of your new album is “Human Deception” can you tell us a few words about the name of the album?
It came out in a difficult period like the Covid one was, in which you could see some persons starting to behave differently than the past (sometimes completely different) due to the multiple restrictions that we all faced at the time. In this climax our thoughts were also a bit negative, so we were seeing more the deceptions that every person can hide behind a nice face, and from this we decided to call the album like this!
5. Which moment in your career was the worst and which was the best?
So far the best moment was for sure the tour we did supporting Overkill and Sanctuary, an incredible opportunity to play in big venues and to grow professionally learning from legends like they are. The worst… I’m usually a positive person, but when we found each other on the road on feet during one tour, that wasn’t a good moment at all! Luckily we were able to manage it, and to continue the ride, but definitely one of the worst moments so far!
6. How did Covid-19 affected your songwriting process?
Due to the impossibility to meet and play in a rehearsal room, we continued to work at home, sharing ideas from remote, it was weird and sad to don’t be able to do it physically all together, but the moment needed some different approach. Considering also that we were starting at that time to compose the album (it was during 2020), we worked very good on it even with all the limitations of that period.
7. If you had the chance to go back in time, and you had to change one thing from your entire career, what would that be?
I regret that we gave trust to persons that in the end didn’t deserve it, so I would change this in the journey. All the rest, good or bad, we would do it anyway as we did it.
8. What is your opinion about the Metal scene of the post covid era?
I think that it’s positive that more and more bands are recording great stuff, producing it with the right attitude and professionalism. On the other hand, we’re all facing huge costs to survive, touring is more difficult than the past for underground bands like us, and the fact that there are more bands demanding spaces where to play is making the scene a bit inflated and with less opportunity. But I see a lot of huge new festivals all around the world, so it means that the Metal is still alive and in good health!
9. Will you do live shows ahead? Got any scheduled ones?
Actually, we’re working to book some gigs around Europe for the summer / fall period to properly support “Human Deception”, but we’re also looking for tour opportunities in Europe and we would love to come back in the US!
10. Where do we find your albums and merch? Thank you for the interview!
Directly on our socials, take a look on the band profiles! Thanks to all your readers and to you for the interview!
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