KATHAROS XIII – release “Caloian Voices” single/video via Loud rage Music
KATHAROS XIII release Caloian Voices single
KATHAROS XIII present the first single taken off the band’s upcoming third studio album, Palindrome. Calioan Voices is now available for streaming on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMaY74KGO7o) and Bandcamp (https://loudragemusic.bandcamp.com/album/katharos-xiii-caloian-voices-single), and here’s what the band had to say about it:
“We couldn’t have chosen a longer song to open up the presentation of our new album “Palindrome”. All five songs are very well linked together so it was quite hard to pick the opener, we didn’t thought about the length, if the listeners will have the patience in this very speedy life that we are enjoying online, mostly…in fact we didn’t think about any conformity of expression in the musical world, if its right or appropriate, or this musical change, even if the same spirit of expression is there but the tools are different this time, so everything came like it is and we have no explanation about this what so ever, so if you have the time and patience listen to this fist piece, imagine, fly, breathe and be proactive if its possible to write a few words about it…”
“Palindrome” will be available in early autumn through Loud Rage Music on a CD format with a special visual concept designed by Alexandru Das.
Katharos XIII
Loud Rage Music
KATHAROS XIII prezinta prima piesa extrasa pe single care va figura pe urmatorul (cel de-al treilea) album de studio, Palindrome. Piesa Caloian Voices e acum disponibila pe YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMaY74KGO7o) si Bandcamp (https://loudragemusic.bandcamp.com/album/katharos-xiii-caloian-voices-single) si iata ce au avut de spus timisorenii despre aceasta:
“Nu puteam sa alegem o piesa mai lunga pentru prima reprezentare a noului album “Palindrome”. Toate cele cinci piese sunt construire impreuna, au o cursivitate a lor asa ca a fost destul de dificil sa ne hotaram asupra uneia afara din tot contextul.Nu ne-am gandit la durata, daca ascultatorul va avea sau nu rabdarea de a asculta in aceasta era digitala foarta vitezista si superficiala o piesa de aproape un sfert de ora, de fapt nu ne-am gandit la nimic in legatura cu o oarecare conformitate a demersului nostru in lumea muzicala, asa cum nu avem nici o explicatie cu privire la aceasta schimbare stilistica…totul a venit fara explicatii…funamentul de pe fiecare material lansat este acolo dar uneltele de data aceasta sunt putin diferite, asa ca daca aveti timp sa ascultati aceasta piesa, dati drumul la imaginatie, respirati bine si poate la final fiti proactivi in a spune si cateva cuvinte daca este cazul…”
“Palindrome” va fi disponibil in format CD la inceputul toamnei prin Loud Rage Music si va beneficia de un concept vizual special conceput de catre Alexandru Das.
Katharos XIII
Loud Rage Music
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