DYNAMITE – Interview with Mattis Karlsson (Vocalist & Guitar Player) —– Interviewed by John Erigo
I recently got the chance to Interview Mattis Karlsson of the Swedish Rock Band DYNAMITE via email. I have been a fan of Dynamite for a while now, and I love their hard hitting, straight up rock n roll sound! Special thanks to MALIN at MAVE MUSIC for making this interview possible!!!
1. Hello DYNAMITE! First off thanks for doing this interview. So, please introduce the band members and what they do in the band>
Hi there! My name is Mattis and I’m the singer and guitar player of Dynamite. There’s also Sebastian on guitar, Adam on bas and Jonas on the drums.
2. Now, you guys are from Sweden. There seems to be a LOT of rock n roll and metal bands from your area of the World these days. Please tell us how the music scene is there in your home Country.
Yeah that’s right, there’s a lot of bands here. I guess it’s because there’s not much else to do here in the cold north. We need to play to get warm.
3. Is it difficult writing your lyrics in English?
Well not because of the language. The tricky part is to write so that people can relate to the lyrics and to make some sort of point to those ears that listen.
4. I always thought that your music reminded me the older AC/DC music, especially the vocals but also some of the musical arrangements. Please tell us what bands you guys enjoy listening to and what bands inspired you to be in a band.
We all love the old rock’n roll legends as Ac/Dc, Motörhead, Aerosmith, Kiss. I could go on until tomorrow. When I was a kid I got hold of the High Voltage album by Ac/Dc and I thought being in a band was the coolest and greatest thing you could ever do, and I still think so today.
5. DYNAMITE just released a new single title “LOVE ON THE LINE” – please tell us how this songs came about.
That’s right. We tried to write something different something we could feel was a little more our own style. Im very pleased with the song Love On The Line, It’s about throwing yourself between the things that you love. That the time is not always enough to please everyone the way you want it now.

6. So after releasing a new single, I have to ask – is there a new album coming out soon too? If so, we need details!!!!!
7. Did you shoot any promotional video for the new single “LOVE ON THE LINE”?
No, But don’t worry. Video will come with the album.
8. What direction is the new music going in? Are you guys sticking to your sound or any branching out or trying different styles? I am sure no matter what you do, it will fucking rock!!!!
Yeah I think we are going in a style more of our own. This upcoming album really got diversity and you can still call it rock’n roll.
9. What is the touring schedule like for DYNAMITE? Do you guys get to play a lot of shows outside of Sweden? While I am saying that, please come to the USA for some gigs!!!!
Right now we are working hard on getting the album done and making it as good as we possible can. Then we will tour as hard as we can. We usually play around Europe much more than in Sweden.
10. DYNAMITE formed in 2012 so 7 years in and you guys are still kicking ass!!! What is in the future for DYNAMITE and your fans?
The future looks bright. 7 years and still the same members in the band, I guess thats a good sign. We will continue to work hard to make people notice us because Dynamite is what we love to do.
11. Thank you for answering these questions, KICK ASS FOREVER really appreciates it!!! If you have any last message for your fans, or would maybe you’d like to share a Lemmy experience story if you have one(I always ask bands if they have any cool stories about meeting or hanging out with Lemmy because seems almost every band HAS!!! LOL!), please tell us! LOL!
Thank you and thanks to all our fans – Keep your eyes open for the new Dynamite album.
Im afraid we never met Lemmy. But one of the best rock’n roll moments in the world has to be when he drives the bike through the wall in the music video for Killed By Death.
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