COMMUNIC- “Hiding From The World” album is out now via AFM Records #communic

COMMUNIC – A progressive power thrash trio from Norway
“Demo of the month”, “Newcomer of the year”, critical acclaim and a devoted fan base around the world are just a few highlights to mention in COMMUNICs biography. Formed in 2003 the norwegian trio caused enthusiasm with their first sign of life in 2004, the demo “Conspiracy Of Mind”. Nuclear Blast noticed the trio and released in 2005 their debut and the following four albums, in 2017 guitarist and singer Oddleif Stensland, Drummer Tor-Atle Andersen and bassist Eric Mortensen signed with their fifth release “Where Echoes Gather” at AFM Records, where the eagerly-awaited sixth album “Hiding From The World” will be released on November 20, 2020 after a three-year break.
The musical style of COMMUNIC is rich in both emotional depth and musical broadness and includes many elements from various metal genres. Catchy vocal melodies, thrilling bass and guitar lines colliding with power, thrash, progressive and a bit of doom and groovy metal. COMMUNIC consists of highly skilled musicians that deliver quality metal with variety and originality. The music has a progressive touch in some experimental form, yet easy to listen to, quite moody, mellow and emotional, and a mix of influences from the 80’s and 90’s metal scene, but most of all it’s a mix of the different approach each member of the band has on the music, thus giving it the unique sound and feeling, that makes it hard for fans and media to compare COMMUNIC to just one other band.

In the beginning of 2019, Oddleif was starting to write and put together new material for their 6th album. When most of the ideas and sketches for the songs where ready, the band spent a long weekend at a cabin by the shore in a southern fjord in Norway, where they set up their gear and some basic recording equipment to arrange the songs together. Already here at this remote place, away from distractions, the idea for the album title already emerged together with the core structure of the songs. By the end of the year, the guys went into Oddleif´s “Stoneland Studio” to record a pre-production of the album. In the end of January 2020, Tor Atle started to record the drums in Mayhem Studio, located in Kristiansand Norway. Shortly after the world wide covid-19 pandemic breaks out and everything shuts down, and also the recording process stops for a while. In the beginning of March 2020 the band slowly restarted to record the bass, guitars and vocals in Stoneland Studio getting everything ready for mixing. At this time Travis Smith has agreed on creating the artwork for the album, and is working on completing his ideas. Lasse Lammert at LSD-Studio in Germany has been assigned to be in charge of the mixing and mastering. The title for the album “Hiding From The World” fits into the time and state the world is in at the moment, but that was all just a coincident.
Commented by Oddleif:”The songs on this album is quite diverse, but true to the COMMUNIC style that we started out doing back in 2003. Long songs as we normally end up doing, only 7 songs in total and a short intro clocking in at over 60 minutes,that all holds the tension, emotions and dynamics that we like to do. There are some mellow and emotional, yet heavy songs, some really heavy songs, even some blastbeats, stuff that we have never have done before. A nice mix up of traditional COMMUNIC power and emotional depth.”
“As for the lyrics and overal theme I had in mind during the writing of these songs, is dealing with what we leave behind as a legacy when we die. I wrote these songs with a feeling inside that my life could end tomorrow, this could be the last thing I leave behind as my legacy. Tomorrow I could be crushed by a drunk phonetexting truckdriver on my way to pick up my kids at school. Life is unpredictable and we don’t know what will happen around next corner. Well that sounds really drepressing, but that is where these songs are coming from and I think that feeling was captured throughout the songs and the stories on this album. And the artwork of Travis Smith just nails this feeling of hopelessness, overtaken by the earth and everything feels like it is out of reach or to overwhelming to comprehend, but still there is some trace of hope left. Maybe the most epic collections of songs that we ever have written!
“Now, the calendar says 2020, and it sounds almost like a science fiction movie from the 80’ties, but it is a fact. COMMUNIC survived since early 2003, and are still the same three members in the band today, as to the day the band was formed. That is something to be proud of.”
”With COMMUNIC the Norwegian – no, the worldwide – metal scene still has an exciting and forward-looking name to remember.”
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