BLACK STONE CHERRY – “The Human Condition” album review #bsc #blackstonecherry #thehumancondition
This album will be released on October 30, 2020 via Mascot Records.

It’s really amazing for me to think this band has been at it for 19 years! Black Stone Cherry (BSC) has been a band I have written about before and have been a fan of since their first official album came out. I’ve met them all a few times, had some cool conversations with them and basically have been “onboard” for a long while now. Their new album title “The Human Condition” comes out on October 30, 2020 via Mascot Records. You can pre order the album here – smarturl.it/BSC-MLG
What’s been cool about BSC is the DIY approach they have taken to their last few releases. “The Human Condition” was self-produced and tracked in bassist Jon Lawhon’s recording facility, Monocle Studios. Here’s a link for the studio – https://monoclestudiosky.com/ – the band has recorded there before and it gives them a way to stay at home and have no outside interference when doing the recording process. By the sound of their last few releases, bands should get into this studio to do some recording! There’s always a sense of family around this band and that feeling is very strong on this album.
I have dubbed these guys the 21st Century Lynyrd Skynyrd for good reasons – they play kick ass rock n roll with a twinge of that Southern, good ole boy, home cookin’. BSC show flashes of pure out rock but then can bring it back home with soulful tunes, a rare combination.
The first single simply titled “Again” really sets the tone for the album. There are a bunch of these types of songs on the album. A much more straight ahead approach. It sounds and feels like a turn the amps up and let’s go attitude. Guitarist/vocalist Ben Wells explains, “With this one, we cranked up the amps, the drums are in your face, and there are some really heavy riffs. After 19 years and 7 albums, we wanted to prove that we still kick ass. This album feels like a rebirth.” And a re-birth you shall have!!!
from their press release :
“There was a real urgency and fear of the unknown during those sessions – it was a scary time,” recalls drummer, John Fred Young. “Every song on this album tells a story of the experiences we all go through – our happiness, our struggles, and how we have to adapt.” The album’s opening lyrics are: “People, people, your attention please, I need to tell you about a new disease” (from ‘Ringin’ In My Head). The song was written 4 years ago, but powerfully captures the hysteria around the COVID-19 outbreak. On “Push Down & Turn,” BSC masterfully use space to achieve crushing swamp-metal dynamics. The stirring track talks about mental health, boldly advocating getting treatment if you’re struggling. “I suffer from manic depression and I have severe anxiety. I want to convey it’s okay to go to a doctor and talk about these issues. There is no shame or stigma there,” vocalist / guitarist Chris Robertson shares.
The complete track listing features, “Ringin’ In My Head,” “Again,” “Push Down & Turn,” “When Angels Learn To Fly,” “Live This Way,” “In Love With The Pain,” “The Chain,” “Ride,” “If My Heart Had Wings,” “Don’t Bring Me Down (ELO cover)” “Some Stories,” “The Devil In Your Eyes,” and “Keep On Keepin’ On.”
There is a wide gamut of emotions on this album, which is great! The band shows no fear and this album feels like a more mature and organic approach and it works! again, from the press release –
“When I listen back to this record, I feel all these different emotions,” Jon Lawhon says. “We started when we were teens, and life has taken its course, especially now. Through it all, your heart and your perspectives change, but one thing that hasn’t changed is our connection as friends.” Chris affirms: “This is a brotherhood. It’s been amazing to stick around with all four original members and still be inspired. Here’s to 7 more albums and another 19 years!”
So yeah BSC is a tight unit, brothers in arms on a mission to make the great music. This album feels like a very natural songwriting process took place and we’re all treated to another great and rockin’ chapter in the book of BSC!!! Grab this album when it comes out, great music and vibe around the whole album!!!
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